Q & A

Have a question? Here are some common questions and answers!

Why should I rent rather than buy equipment?

When you come to Waupaca Rental, above all else we can offer you the right tool for the job. We offer professional quality equipment at do-it-yourself prices. Our job is to make sure we provide you with dependable and safe equipment that is guaranteed the right equipment for your project. Plus, you don't have to find a place to store the equipment when you're not using it. Everything here is stored safely, maintained constantly, always ready to work strong. Renting can save you money, time, and give you peace of mind!

Do you take reservations for equipment?

Absolutely. We've made it easy and have multiple ways you can reserve anything you'd like, anytime you'd like. At our Online Inventory above, you can find whatever it is you'd like to rent, compare prices, and reserve it right away. We will instantly see your reservation and will make sure we are 100% ready for you when you visit us!

You can also give us a call or stop by to ask about availably and reserve items as well. We're flexible (:

Can you deliver equipment?

For sure! Take a look at our Delivery Information page for more info.

If I rent something over the weekend do I get to use it for free on Sunday?

Normally, a 48 hour rental would fall into our 2 day rate which is 2x the daily rate, plus a 10% discount. If you rent any equipment from Saturday morning to Monday morning (48 hours), we charge our special weekend rate which is 1.5x the daily rate.

I keep calling and get the voicemail. What's up?

Most of the time, we either have one or two people at the shop at a time. While we're helping a customer, sometimes we can't answer the phone right away. If you don't leave a voice message, we can't always go back and find the right number to reach you at. If you can leave a message, we will always call you back immediately once we have time. It's usually anywhere from an instant call back, to a 5-10 minute wait. We deeply appreciate your patience as we do our best to serve everybody as quickly as we can!

Can you buy something you don't currently have so I can rent it?

We love hearing from our customers, and if you have an idea of something we should buy to rent out we'd like to know! This helps us serve you better, as well as many others who are looking for the same thing.

Have a different question?

By all means, please contact us! We'd love to hear from you. See how to get in touch below.